Overview of BowenExplore!
BowenExplore! is a platform where dedicated time and space is provided for students to initiate their own learning. It is an important extension to the Blended Learning and Home-Based learning Day. Students can explore their interests and passions and learn beyond the curriculum.
The key objective of BowenExplore! is to help our students to take ownership of their own learning and to develop self-directed learning through the following stages.
BowenExplore! Categories
In choosing their BowenExplore! topics and deciding their product of learning, students are given autonomy to decide with the broad domains of Heart, Body, Mind and Soul.
How BowenExplore! is carried out
Students will be guided to identify their interests and passions when deciding their BowenExplore! topics through SLS lessons, which students will access and learn on their own timing.
For each HBL day, 1 hour is dedicated to BowenExplore! for students to do their chosen topics. They will also be guided to reflect on their learning at the end of the HBL days. At the end of the learning, student will reflect on their overall learning and to share and celebrate their learning with each other.
This BowenExplore! journey is captured in the chart below: